I was amazed by my trip to Peru’s beautiful places. Along with many other places I will talk about, I got to camp in the Amazons for three nights, climb to Kuelap, and boat down rivers.
This is one of the most beautiful places in Peru. I saw it in Yurimaguas, which is near the Amazons. Everyone is so friendly and opens their arms wide. And I learned that my pale skin makes people here find me interesting. Oh, lucky me!
I had a little trouble in Lima, Peru. I was on my way back to my hostel by foot. I have no idea where I’m going now. It might look like I know where I’m going because I’m sure of myself, but I don’t!
I got together with my friend, who is now my husband. We started the trip by going out to party in Lima because he was the only reason I went on this trip. I became interested in being drunk, and I got hit on.
This trip has been full of silence. My friend doesn’t talk much. Since you’ve only known him for a few months, going on a trip with him in a different country is a big step. What did I think… So far so good…
Over 600 years old, this is one of the most beautiful places in Peru. It was one of the largest cities in the Americas at its height.