Visit the Special Ice Hotel with the Northern Lights

A snowflake falls on the snow-covered ground next to the ice hotel, which has a beautiful view of the northern lights. This makes it the best ice hotel to see the northern lights.

Where is it Located?

This beautiful ice hotel has been in northern Sweden since 1989. You can see the northern lights from over there. If you were to drive from Stockholm, it would take about 14 to 16 hours, depending on which way you go.

The Tallest Mountain, Kebnekaise

There is a lot of beauty in the northern part of Sweden. There are a few national parks and Kebnekaise, Sweden’s biggest mountain. There is also the ice hotel and the northern lights.

History About the Ice Hotel

The snow fell hard one day, and a man had the thought to build. So, in 1989, he took a block of ice and made the world’s first ice hotel.

What to See at the Ice Hotel

If you still want to see more, don’t forget about the ice church I talked about above. It’s the best ice hotel to see the northern lights. You can also sleep somewhere else if you don’t want to sleep in an ice house.

Northern Lights

As soon as the sky turns dark, colors start to burst over it. You can see the northern lights and the ice hotel at the same time.

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