Hey, There!
I’m Dani.
About Misfit Wanders (that’s me) is that I am an American lady that loves to travel. For over 7 years now, I have lived in Sweden, where I’ve been being a misfit that wanders. This is where my hubby and I are working on renovating our dream home as well as taking care of our wild child! Oh, and I’m studying at a University in Sweden. Plus, I’m an influencer, an author, and a sustainable travel expert!
It gets hard when the time comes that the travel bug whispers in my ear to travel. I still travel, just not as long as I use to and it has turned into a family trip. My hubby, me, our baby, and my mom. In Sweden, there are several hikes and outdoor areas that I love to visit which fill my desire to travel for a bit.
To learn more about Misfit Wanders (me) Check out One Moment Please Podcast to learn a bit more about me. I talk with Fiona about my traumatic brain injury, my hitchhiking days, and when I was a weed farmer. Besides that, I’ve been interviewed by Lisa from Choose Your Happy Place Podcast. On this one, I talk about Sweden. Or listen to Explore to Evolve, where I talk about my hitch hiking days among other things!

Mind & Body Coach
Do you have troubles with pain physically or mentally? If this is the case, then reach out to me and we can chat for 30 minutes. After we assess the situation and how you feel, we can go from there! I’d love to help be your guide on becoming the better version of you! Let me help with my knowledge from overcoming my traumatic brain injury!
Sustainable Travel Expert
Are you planning a trip but are nervous about leaving an impact on the nature? Talk with me and we can work on this together in a one on one session. I can help you find the good places to stay the night at along with help you find sustainable tourism companies.
Message me on my contact me page and we can get you started on planning!
My Mission
“I believe that people should overcome their obstacles in life with the help of traveling to other cultures and nature. With this in mind, I write on my blog about the world as a beautiful place with new things to learn, do, and explore. Especially out in nature with an eco-conscious mindset when traveling.”
Fun Facts About Misfit Wanders
Hitch Hiker
For around a year or so, I hitch hiked the west coast of USA. I even tried train hopping. That is a whole different kind of world in itself. Hitch hiking helped me realize how to judge a person within 10 seconds, and I also learned there are still good people in the world. I felt what it was like to be poor and not certain on where I would sleep for the night as well. With this kind of experience, it really opened my eyes and helped me become more humble. Now, I try not to take anything for granted.
Spread out American Family
I have family all over in the US, so I grew up traveling a lot. My hubby and I had a 6 month road trip in the states for our honeymoon. We traveled in our van with our dog and two cats! My hubby and I created a bed frame in our van where underneath was storage compartments. Then, on top of it, was our bed! Our cats’ lives, at that time, were spent more on the road than in one place!
Fulltime Busy Bee!
So, I have a problem. I tend to take a lot on all at once. For example, right now, I’m a mom of a 2-year-old, I’m a full time student and I’m learning Spanish. On top of that, I’m writing a hiking book and have finished a children’s book. And I can’t forget that I’m working on my travel blog… Yup, I may overdo it at times.
Children’s Book Author
After a long road of being pregnant and having self doubt, I have created a children’s book. Now, this self published book is on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Ingram Sparks! The story is about a lost little dragon who lets his stubbornness get the best of him. But he soon realizes that he NEEDS help. There’s this great article that I’ve written which is dedicated to traveling with kids and how this book is best to bring with.

7 Car Pile-up
I was in a fatal car crash, where I had to re-learn how to walk and use my brain. This was when I was traveling to California for work from South Dakota. It was black ice that did it and the accident turned into a 7 car pile up. Luckily, I was the last one there. I got a Traumatic Brain Injury from it. Nowadays, I’m thankful to be alive and finally, I feel like myself again! From this accident, I learned that you should never give up and It’s my stubbornness that helped me keep pushing to get better. This happened about 10 years ago, and to this day, I still have some issues here and there.
Now, I have a book that’s loosely based on my traumatic brain injury! Pre-order now!
The Good Ole Farm Life
I used to be a weed farmer in Northern Cali for about 5 years. It was great spending everyday outdoors on a mountainside since I enjoy hiking and being in nature! The place I stayed at had no reception or internet. So, it was the perfect place for me to reflect on myself, since I had nothing to distract me. It was just me and my doggie living on that mountain for around 4-6 months of the year. Then a crew of people came to help harvest would show up, and I would have to work on socializing with humans again!