Come to the land of nature, equality
and a love for fika!
If you didn’t know, the Nobel Prize was created by Alfred Nobel, a swedish chemist, inventor, poet and drama writer, along with being a bussinessman. So, Sweden is a place where they tend to care a lot about the environment where they turn their trash into renewable energy and recycle regularly. It’s even common for families to have family outings! With the vast amount of nature here, there’s no way you would lose interest.
This country has a kid-friendly culture, making it a great destination for families! Especially if you and your family enjoy outdoor adventures. VisitSweden has more information on the specific activities that are fun with the kids. Parks are in an abundance in Sweden, which I love! Besides that, they have 30 National Parks that are full of beauty and wonder. Plus, throughout Sweden, they have a variety of nature waiting to be explored!
I mentioned fika, now you might be wondering, what is fika? Well, it’s anytime in the day where you sit down with friends or family and have either coffee or tea with yummy sweets (like a coffee break). This is something that’s very important to swedes and it’s embedded in their culture.
So, if you want to try out the Swedish culture, then why not have a fika? There’s also surströmming, which is a strong fermented fish that is known to be a traditional food in Sweden.
The leaves crunch under my foot and the fresh crisp air blows against my skin. The pine trees and mix of birch gave the area an enchanting feeling surrounding the wonderful stories in Sweden. Listen to the locals talk about trolls, fairies, or the house gnomes. With that in mind, the mystical magic overtakes the nature. So, once you wander in the wilderness in Sweden, you’ll understand what I mean!

Sweden’s capital is Stockholm and in all of Sweden, there is 10,521,556 people.
The Swedish Language
A great thing about speaking English in Sweden, is that 90% of swedes are fluent in it and they will be able to understand you. Swedes begin learning English at around 7 years old and have it in their education system as they grow up. It’s considered their second language to many in Sweden (but it’s up for a debate). While you visit Sweden, many swedes may want to practice their English with you.
Swedish Words | |
Hej (hey) | Hey |
Hejdå (hey-doh) | Goodbye |
Kan du hjälpa mig? (caw-n do yalp-a mae) | Can you help me? |
Var är tåget? (vare air toe-get) | Where is the train? |
Var är flygplatsen? (vare air fleeg-plawt-sen) | Where is the airport? |
Var är bussen? (vare air boo-s-en) | Where is the bus? |
Ja (yah)/Nej (ney) | Yes/No |
Bra (braw) | Good |
God morgon (good more-ron) | Good Morning |
God natt (good-nawt) | Good Night |
Tack så mycket! (tawk so mi-cket) | Thank you so much! |
Tack! (tawk) | Thanks! |
Ursakta (er-shek-ta) | Excuse me |
Pratar du engelska? (praw-tawr do an-g-el-ska) | Do you speak English? |
Hur mår du? (her more do) | How are you? |

Love the Nature!
Experience Outdoor Adventures
in Sweden
Transportation to begin Traveling in Sweden
There are several ways to travel so you can start traveling in Sweden. It just depends on where you want to go. Stockholm offers many ways, but more rural places may only have a few options. If you want to begin hiking Värmland county, it’s worth renting a car so you can easily make it to all the starting points of the trails.
Train System: Different Companies depending on Stations
The trains are the most common way to get around. The bigger cities have the most options of where you can go. In Stockholm, the subway system is great. While getting through the different stations, you get an eyeful of artwork at each stop. That’s an adventure all in itself!
The main train companies are: SJ, Tågkompaniet, Snälltåget, MTR Express and Inlandsbanan.
Swedish Bus System
It’s at or near the train stations where you can purchase a ticket and get on a bus. This is another common way swedes travel. Personally, I usually take either a bus or a train when I’m traveling in Sweden. If you want to book a bus ticket, click Buses in Europe.
Kronor, the Swedish Money
The money that they use in Sweden is kronor (kr), which means crowns. They have their own currency that is different from the EU. As of now, the conversion rate from dollars to kronor is, $1= 11kr (updated 2023). What helped me, was getting a conversion app on my phone so that I could keep up with the conversion rate.
Usually the best place to get your money switched would be ATMs away from the airports. I would say that banks would be the best, but in Sweden, they don’t have many banks where you can walk in. Many banks are done online now. If you can find one, I suggest exchanging there.
Ferries to and from Sweden
There are over 40 free road ferries throughout Sweden. If you’re planning on traveling to any of the archipelagos in Sweden, then you must pay for a ferry. There are even ferries between Sweden, Poland, and Germany. Here you can check out the ferries between Sweden and Poland.
Rent a Car to Travel Sweden
The best options to get to many of the outdoorsy spots is to rent a car. If you do that, then you won’t have to worry how you will get there. The main airports will have car rental companies there to make it easy. But, in order to rent a car you will need a credit card. I found that out the hard way when they wouldn’t let my hubby and me rent one. It might be different now, but be aware that it’s a possibility. Rent a car here, so you can begin with your trip.
Airports in Sweden
The most common airports in Sweden are Stockholm Arlanda Airport, Gothenburg Landvetter Airport, Stockhom Bromma Airport, Stockholm Skavsta Airport, Malmö Airport, and Stockholm Västerås Airport. They have several others, but the other airports don’t fly to as many places. If you’re planning on starting your journey in the nature near the Norwegian border, I recommend flying to Oslo and taking a train into Sweden. I’ve done that several times since I live closer to Oslo than to Stockholm.
Are you ready to book a flight? Book a flight here!

Take to the Trails and Start Hiking in Sweden
Since Sweden is known for its abundance of nature, why not venture down some of the unforgettable paths. There are all kinds ranging from in the mountains to bogs. Plus, the trails vary in length and difficulty. So, anyone can find trails that they can take on! What are you waiting for? Check it out now!