The largest of the Nordic countries, Sweden, has a reputation for slow living, a strong connection with nature, and sustainability. It’s also well known for its unique flavours and it has the best Swedish food, and as a foodie who loves to try new dishes while being surrounded by breathtaking scenery, it’s a place I had always dreamed of visiting. For my fellow food-lovers, it’s these values that make it so appealing as a holiday destination, pairing delicious seasonal ingredients with attention to detail. Plus, the cuisine is unlike anything you’ll see in many of the other food destinations in Europe – Italy, Spain, France – making it a great place to try something new.

Of course, the classic way to explore a country via its cuisine is by heavily researching, booking and eating at restaurants. However, that doesn’t have to be your only choice. Trying a different approach in addition to this can give you a greater appreciation for the ingredients themselves, and the skills that go into preparing them. In this post, we share four ideas for foodie activities in Sweden.

Take a Cooking Class

Want to learn the secret to exactly how a dish is made, so you can recreate it at home? Then a cooking class should be a must on your foodie holiday itinerary. I recommend booking yourself into at least one class with a local to help you really dive into some of Sweden’s classic culinary delights – learn how to prepare the ingredients, practice the cooking techniques and crucially, taste them.

This can be a fun activity to do as a group, but it’s also a great way to meet new like-minded people if you’re travelling solo. For the greatest choice of classes, look to some of the major cities – and make sure to read the reviews before you book so that you get to make some of the best Swedish food.



Visiting During Holiday Season

If you think you know all about the best Swedish food, then try visiting at a different time of year to enjoy some seasonal treats. Christmas is a big deal in Sweden, with celebrations kicking off in November and Christmas markets popping up all over the country. This season of celebration is my favourite time to visit Sweden. Just come prepared to handle winter weather, and embrace the cosiness of being indoors with flickering candles and a mug of something warm and delicious. Alternatively, if you’re brave enough, it’s a beautiful time to get outside.

Those with a sweet tooth will love to try the saffron buns that replace the classic cinnamon version in December, or perhaps some gingerbread. If you’re more into savoury dishes, Christmas ham, Swedish meatballs, dry-cured salmon, short ribs, cocktail sausages, potatoes, beetroot salad and pickled herring are all on the menu. If you’re travelling with friends, why not try some traditional recipes and cook up your own feast?

Food Safari

When you think of a safari, the chances are you’re picturing admiring amazing animals in Africa – not walking in the woods in Sweden. However, land and sea ‘safaris’ have become popular in recent years as a way of showcasing the Swedish foraging culture. The country has a ‘right of public access’ law that means anyone can roam and camp in nature; this legislation is incredibly unique and allows unparalleled access to Sweden’s natural beauty. Read my article The Ultimate Information for Wild Camping in Sweden to learn more!

However, it’s important to forage with a professional unless you have previous experience in Sweden. Not only will they know the best spots to visit, but they can stop you from eating something you shouldn’t. With a whole bounty of ingredients on offer, including mushrooms, apples, strawberries and even more expensive delicacies such as lobster and mussels, a food safari is not to be missed.


Food Festivals

If you want to sample lots of different dishes, or focus on a specific food type, then attending a food festival is a great way to do this in a small geographical area. You’ll be able to explore a huge range of culinary options whilst also enjoying the open air, meeting other people who also share your passion – plus, you can try samples of new foods without having to commit to a whole meal’s worth.

From street food events in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö to ‘herring weekend’ in Marstand, attending a food festival is a great way to mix with the locals and see Swedish cooking in a new light. Whilst many people in Sweden speak English, it can be helpful to have a few words of Swedish if you have any allergies, as these sort of events aren’t aimed directly at international tourists.

mushroom picking in Sweden

Scrumptious Sweden

Sweden is a fantastic destination choice for any foodie, offering a welcoming culture and a sustainable attitude towards food that is leaps ahead of many other nations. Whether you’re a meat eater, vegetarian, flexitarian or vegan, you’ll find plenty to tempt you on your travels.

Swedish Traditions Attractive Celebrations and Culture, winter in Stockholm

Hiking in Sweden

Have you been wanting to hike in Sweden, but you’re unsure how it is in the country? You can learn more about some of the do’s and dont’s here! Enjoy wandering the National parks, nature reserves, or taking one of the many hikes throughout Sweden. Some of my favorite hikes have been Kebnekaise, in the Glasskogen nature reserve and in many of the National parks. 


Author bio: Sofie Richens

A digital nomad, Sofie loves to travel around and discover the best places to eat in every city
she visits. Her favourite Swedish sweet treat is gräddbullar.

Adventures in Sweden

Maybe you’re interested in finding other kinds of experiences that you can have. Then, check out Adventures in Sweden and find some of the most amazing things that you can do. For instance, you can meet moose up close. Or, wander to some of the cities and towns throughout Sweden. There’s a lot to see and do in this country!

adventures in Sweden, Canoe, Dani

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best Swedish food


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