There are many ways to find your soul mate. Both of my family dogs had died, but I would always love animals. That’s what made them so dangerous. I would fly over to help an animal that was in trouble. During my teenage years, I went to Walmart on a cold, snowy night, even though it wasn’t my favorite place. This skinny kitten was looking for food by running between parked cars. It broke my heart. As soon as I walked into the store, I forgot why I was there in the first place. I only buy wet cat food.

Swedish Tradition

Salvation for Your Furry Soul Mate

My heart started beating very fast as I quickly left. What if that poor little guy has been through a terrible thing? I ignored that thought and turned my attention to what was going on around me. I finally saw the little cat. I could see its ribs sticking out of its body because it was scared of me. It was hidden under a car. I bent down and slowly opened the food. After what seemed like five minutes, a guy my age came over to help. He finally caught the kitten with his hat. He pulled the kitten out and gave it to me. I was so grateful. As he tried to get my phone number, I quickly grabbed the kitten and ran to my car. I gave the little one the rest of the food when I got there.

Our two cats when they were little with my husband. Ayasha also likes being on the shoulder. The kitten stayed on my shoulder and purred in my ear the whole way home. It made me happy to be out of the cold winter night. After about a day, I took the little one to work with me. Someone I knew would be able to take her in for sure. I felt good about what I had done, and my face lit up with happiness.

I was always able to find birds, dogs, cats, and even people that needed help when I was a kid. I guess I just jump on things that need help when I know they are alive. Believe it or not, deeds say louder than words. If I can help in any way, I will do everything I can.

Love at first sight

Anyway, I already told you that both of my family dogs were gone. My friend wanted to check out the Humane Society for some reason. There was nothing strange about it because I had been there before and nothing had gone wrong. But on this day, I met my true love. You can feel it when you meet your true love. But even though I was only 17, my heart was racing and I felt like he was the other half of me. My heart sank when I saw him locked up. I wished he was free.

Swedish Tradition
Swedish Tradition

I asked right away if I could go say hello to him in one of the meeting rooms. He was shy at first and had to smell everything. He had to smell me next, and all of a sudden he was so happy! With his long, white fur and black spots, he looked like a wolf dog. His curly tail moved back and forth as he got happy. His ears were black from the top to the bottom, making it look like he was wearing a thief’s mask. I thought his name might be Bandit, but it turned out to be Clyde, which fit him. I knew it was a bad idea after seeing my friend through the window. I had been told, “No more strays!” I had to leave the three-month-old puppy with the one black ear that flopped over.  






For one day, I couldn’t give that puppy any less thought. I fell in love with him right away, and I couldn’t stop thinking about him! I drove back to the Humane Society after school and looked for him like crazy. He was not there! Before talking to a worker, I tried to cool down. The puppies were brought to the baseball field, she said. A lot of people could see them and help them find new homes. I got worried and my eyes got big. She told me they would be here the next day after I thanked her. I kept track of the time until the last bell at school the next day. I was going to get there no matter what. I was already leaving when it went off.


My adrenaline was pumping in my ears as I drove one more time to the humane society. It made me feel both excited and scared. What if someone took him in? It kept going through my mind, but I finally put it out. I would find out soon enough. It felt like I ran to his cage once I got through the doors. He was sitting there with a sad face. After he saw me, his whole face lit up. It made me feel better, and I quickly grabbed his paper, afraid that someone would take it before me. As I left to talk to a worker, I told him I would be back.

He was so glad to be with me again after being in the cage. My niece played soccer that same day. Clyde and I both went to it. As we walked across the field, he stayed with me. I didn’t even need a leash. He could sleep on the small dog bed I brought with me while we watched the game. The little puppy made my niece very happy. The game was too hard for her to keep up. I understood why my parents were so mad at me when I got home. But I felt like I couldn’t do anything about this. They fell in love with him over time. Now they know that he was the best thing in my life as a child.

Swedish Tradition
Swedish Tradition
Swedish Tradition
Swedish Tradition

Best bud till the end

My Clyde is getting old now. He’s 12 years old, but he still acts like a puppy sometimes! From time to time, he spent most of his life on the road, but he has always been there for me. We took hitchhiking trips, hopped from train to train, and worked on fields. He’s been through a lot, especially for a dog! I believe he has ridden on almost everything powered!

A lot of people might say that he’s just a dog. They don’t get it, though. He is alive, and he’s pretty smart. He would sometimes look at you, and you knew exactly what that look meant. I think he told me that a few times when I did something stupid. I love this dog very much and always will. We’ve been through so much together! He’s family to me. The moment I met this dog, I knew he was meant to live with me.

Swedish Tradition
Swedish Tradition
Swedish Tradition
Swedish Tradition

Follow your heart

Animals can have a huge impact on humans, any living thing, really. I mean, we have bacteria, herbs, and plants that can cure illnesses. Why would we think that humans are above everything else? If someone tries to tell you different than how you feel, just ignore them. It’s best to stay true to your heart!

A quote that comes from Anatole France is something I believe full heartedly!

"Until one has loved an animal a part of one's soul is un-awakened."

Anatole France- Poet (1844-1924)

About Me

If you’re interested in learning more about me, then check out my About me page. That’s where you can find out more about my life.

winter holiday in sweden


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