At first, the road we took was made of boards and was well taken care of. It was beautiful outside as we walked further down a trail in Bjornlandet National Park. We had to step over roots and rocks that stuck out of the ground because the track had turned into a worn-out path. As we went deeper into the park, trees and grass grew all around us. I got a calm feeling all over. We were the only ones on the trail!
About Bjornlandet National Park
These woods are full of old pine trees. Many of them are about 180 years old, and some are even older! You can feel like you’re going back in time as you hike through this beautiful forest. You’ll see how nature is when people don’t touch it much. This beautiful spot has been through several fires that have left scars on many of the trees. When you walk along the trails, you’ll see some charred stumps and growing trees that were there before the fire. The last fire happened in 1831.
In the past, Bjornlandet National Park was used to raise reindeer, and there is a forest here that is 1,000 years old! It dates back to the Viking era and is in plain Sami land. The Sami people have lived in Sweden for a very long time and mostly live in northern Sweden.

Trail in Björnlandet National Park
Things to Do at Bjornlandet National Park
In Bjornlandet National Park, there are easy-to-reach fire pits and walking paths. There is also a road that leads to Angsjon lake, where there is a rest area with a great view. In this park, it’s okay to pick berries and mushrooms. You can also set up a tent and stay there for up to two days. So you don’t damage the wilderness, you should only camp in the designated places. You should always be kind to nature, though. Oh, and don’t cut tree branches off or hurt live things like plants and animals. It is possible to go skiing here in the winter!
Picnic or Grill Out
There are spots in Bjornlandet National Park where you can have a fire. There are also places for the spots to rest. That means they’re great for a meal or a picnic. There is a place to have a fire in one of the beautiful views, and there are wooden boards all around it where you can sit and relax.

Bird Watching
As the birds fly, listen to their sweet chirps. While you look at the view, you’ll feel calm. You might even get lucky and see one of the rare birds that live in this quiet forest. The great spotted woodpecker is the most common bird you’ll see cutting down trees. Also, groups of willow tit and crested tit birds sometimes gather in this area. In early summer, when there are lots of birds in the air, Angsjon Lake is a great place to visit.
Every step makes a sound like snow hitting the ground. But now is the best time to see animal tracks in Bjornlandet National Park. There are many kinds of animals that come through the park, like martens, wolverines, elks, and reindeer. Still other animals leave no signs, but they do happen from time to time.
Hiking Trails at Bjornlandet National Park
As we walked through Bjornlandet National Park and enjoyed the view of the tall trees and green land, real life seemed like a dream. There is a different feeling that comes from each track as you walk through the park. There are a lot of trails, and some of them link to make it easy to switch trails. The Bjornberget trail is my favorite. It has rocks that you have to walk up and over roots and loose rocks. There, the view is beautiful! When you look down at the clean lake, you can see a lot of the national park.

Hiking Trails Map
1. Angsjöleden Trail
Difficulty: Easy – Distance: 3.7 km- Duration: Approx. 3 hours round trip
This nice path is marked in red and goes around Angsjo lake. Along this path, there is a great spot from which to see the lake. As you walk along this path, you can get lost in the deciduous forest. There is a free house near Angsjo Lake where you can stay. Anyone can use it, and it can fit up to eight people.

2. Urskogsrundan Loop
How hard is it? Easy – Distance: 2.6 km; Time: about 1 to 2 hours round trip
This is the old growth forest track; it’s marked with purple lines. This path is great for families and people who don’t want to walk too far. Some of this road is on boardwalks, and you can see the old pine forest. A lot of information about the area is written on signs. Like many trails in Bjornlandet National Park, this one goes over a field of rocks.

Purple marking on the tree
3. Guldbäcksleden Trail
Distance: 7 km; Time: About 3–4 hours round trip; Level of difficulty: moderate
This path is marked with orange lines. You can hike up Bjornbergets boulders and then down into the spruce forest on a road that goes up and down. There was a fire in 1970 where the hike goes through. You can get to Angsjo cabin from this other path if you need to rest or just chill out.

Connecting hiking trails
4. Svärmorsleden Trail
Distance: 12 km; Time: About 6 to 8 hours round trip; Difficulty: Hard
Signs and trees along this nice trail are colored green. You have a nice hut with a stove when you get to the lake. There’s a beautiful lake right there where you can enjoy your lunch. This trail lets you see a lot of different kinds of nature in Bjornlandet National Park. Take this road; it’s so beautiful, and you can hike for a whole day.

Walking the trail
5. BjörnlandsledenTrail
Level of difficulty: moderate; distance: 6.3 km; time required: approximately 3–4 hours round trip;
A lot of people like this trail, and I do too! You can see Bjornlandet National Park and Angsjo lake very well from here. Since this road goes through a park, you can see a lot of nature. Blue signs and trees show the way to this trail. Take care on this road because there are times when you have to walk over roots that are spread out and rocks that stick out of the ground. The path goes up a rough hill, and when you get to the top, you’ll be surprised by the view! After that, the path gets flatter as you walk through a forest. Then there will be swamps all around you.

View from Björnberget (the bear mountain)
6. Rönnlandsrundan
Distance: 4 km; Time: About 2 to 3 hours round trip; Level of difficulty: moderate
This path is marked with yellow lines. It is important to know that this track starts at the entrance to Haggsjo and goes around an old, alive forest. You quickly climb a mountain on this road and get a great view. This path leads to a nice place to have a picnic and a lovely view. Be careful where you step on this road because there are some places where rocks can make it hard to walk. If you want to change trails, this leads to the Bjornlandsleden track.
Best Season to Go to Bjornlandet National Park
As the snow melts, animals in Bjornlandet National Park come out of slumber and start living again. In the spring and summer, the wind is filled with the songs of birds, and the air smells good from flowers that are just starting to grow. With all the green trees and moss, this might be the best time to see the park. Bugs are more likely to bite in the summer, so be careful! Bring an insect net or something that will keep mosquitoes away. You can pick berries and watch the leaves change colors in the park in the fall. You can even find things to do in the winter. So that’s the best time to look for animal tracks or ski at night with the moon shining.

My husband told me a story about how people who live in this area get rid of bugs. He said that kids would be left outside all day and end up with bites all over their bodies when they got home. It takes a while for bugs to bother them again after that. That’s really cruel! It was July when we went to the park, and those bugs were really big! They were hungry for blood and saw me as a tasty treat! The view made up for it, though, and I wish our visit had lasted longer. I was beginning to lose my mind after being bitten, though.
Parking at Bjornlandet National Park
There are two exits, and both can be used by people with disabilities. Both have parking. There is a bathroom and an information booth at each entry. At the Haggsjo gate, there is a place to rest and a place to build a fire. There is a bus stop and, of course, Angsjo lake at the base of Angsjo.

Information Spot
Recommended Gear
It is suggested that you bring bug spray to Bjornlandet National Park if you plan to visit in the spring or summer. At that time of year, a lot of these bugs come out. Also, you should get essential gear if you want to go on some of the trails. Read Hiking Gadgets to find out what you need to go hiking in Sweden. Having a rain jacket is always a good idea, especially when the weather isn’t sure what will happen. Remember to bring a water bottle with you; it’s important!
My website even has a shop with some useful things. I’ve also written a few pieces about good camping gear. This is where you can find that.
How to Get to Bjornlandet National Park
Taking a car is the best way to get to Bjornlandet National Park. Here you can rent a car. If you are coming from Stockholm, you can take E20 and then cross over to E4. This will get you there most of the way. To get to Vasterbottens lan, you’ll need to take Route 352. Google maps can help you find your way more precisely. It takes about 7 hours to get from Stockholm to Bjornlandet National Park.
Helpful Information for Traveling to Bjornlandet National Park
It will be helpful to have a brochure with you when you visit Bjornlandet National Park. You can get these at both of the entrance information centers. You could also use your phone to take a picture of the map from one of the entries. This will help you figure out which track goes where and what you can see in the lovely park.

Hiking in Sweden
Sweden has beautiful hiking tracks. To learn more about them, visit Hiking in Sweden. You can learn more about how to hike in Sweden and see some of the best known trails. Find out what you should and shouldn’t do while hiking in this beautiful land. Take a look here!
Adventures in Sweden
To have fun outside, you can do a lot of different things in Sweden. You can canoe or boat because there are lakes all over the place. You can also visit more Swedish National Parks. To find out more, read Adventures in Sweden. It is possible to get very close to moose in the nature province of Varmland. To learn more, click here!
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