The first signs of the virus showed up in March 2020, during our one-day trip to Catania. It was unclear to us how difficult it would be to get there. We were so wrong when we thought it would be so simple! The idea that we might stay in Italy turned into a day in...
Old French Lighthouse The lighthouse in Kompong Cham was far from the beaten path when we got there. I couldn’t wait to get over my fear of heights. But when I saw the so-called “stairs,” my heart stopped. There, up high, where the wind blows...
See the Yosemite trail through my eyes as I attempt to hike it with my husband and dog. Just so you know, this happened after I got into a car crash and hurt my brain. Remember how stubborn I was and look at the trail in a new way. The Beginning of the Journey up...
What a strange day it was, and I didn’t expect to get hurt. During the event, I wasn’t fully present. When I saw it happen in front of me, I couldn’t believe it! The day was full of light that made you feel warm. At the lake, we met up with a friend...
There are many ways to find your soul mate. Both of my family dogs had died, but I would always love animals. That’s what made them so dangerous. I would fly over to help an animal that was in trouble. During my teenage years, I went to Walmart on a cold, snowy...