People told me that the Netherlands has crazy things to do. I had some unique adventures in the Netherlands when we went there. The fact that there were so many bicycles was the first interesting thing I learned when we got off the plane. After the trip was over, I went to a museum about hemp, one about pot, one about sex, and one about torture. In this country, there’s a museum for almost everything.
Run for it!
Some people warned us, “Watch out for the cyclists; they’re everywhere!” Okay, I thought, we’ll see a few bikers, that’s not a big deal. But as soon as we started going from the airport, I saw groups of people riding bikes. As they rode by, you could hear the whooshing sound of their tires.
My husband and I were going to visit friends who live in the Netherlands. We weren’t used to all the different paths because this was our first time here. Behind us, a bell started to ring very loudly. We looked, and just in time, we jumped out of the way of the biker. Phew! We were in the lane for bikes. Oh no! The lane for people on foot was right next to this one. As our lanes changed, I looked around me. I saw that this country has stop lights for both cars and bikes. That’s definitely not something I’m used to. That’s great, though! People often choose to ride bikes instead of driving cars here.

To Bike or Not to Bike
When we got to our friend’s house, we were eager to learn more about the culture here. At this point, they told us, it’s pretty common for everyone to learn how to ride a bike early. A lot of people seem to treat their bikes like an extension of their bodies. At that moment, my man made up his mind. We were going to try riding bikes here. When he said those words, they made my heart drop. I really wanted to do it, but I’m not good at riding a bike, and those roads looked too busy with cars, bikes, and people walking. I would fall! He finally gave up, and we agreed to try it at the Hoge Veluwe National Park. I let out a sigh of pride. No riding bikes on busy streets! Yay! But this was the start of some crazy things I did in the Netherlands because I don’t like riding bikes.

Crazy Things to Do in the Netherlands During Rain or Shine
The bus ride to the park was fine. But the sky changed color to a dark, scary one. Then it began to pour rain from the sky. Since we came ready, I felt a wave of relief wash over me. We were both decked out in rain clothes from head to toe. We wouldn’t let this rain stop us! The rain stopped just before we got off the bus, and it looked like it was going to clear up. We’re lucky! As we got closer to the door, I saw a parking lot full of bikes. The cashier told us that they were free to use. I love getting free stuff because it makes my day better.

It was now time for us to choose our rides. Seeing the bikes made my heart beat very fast. There’s no going back now! I jumped on one and started to follow my husband down the road that was just for bikes. I was a little shaky at first. But after a while I got the hang of it.
Downpour Ride
The sky began to fill with more clouds, and a hazy fog began to block our view. As we rode, a light rain started to fall, but it didn’t bother us. As we moved further into the park, each step I took helped calm me down. The bike and I became one. I thought I was floating along the way now. Then all of a sudden it started to pour down rain on us. I got a chill. The rain made the air feel cold. It rained hard for about thirty minutes. We needed to take a break.
Salvation in the Rain
From far away, I could see a building through my foggy glasses. That gave me hope. It looked like a great time to take a break! We both came in soaked in rain. Every time we walked, you could hear our shoes squeak. But it didn’t seem to bother anyone. I guess they got it since it’s pouring rain. There was an information center and the Museonder Museum inside the building.

Unique Experiences Netherlands: Descend into a Museum
We followed the path to the museum. Since it is the world’s first underground museum, it felt like we were going to another world. It looked like we were walking into some kind of tube from the way we were going to the beginning of the museum. When we walked into the museum, the roof looked like it had too much growth on it. They came here to learn about nature and wild animals. What a wonderful find! Going through this basement area was a lot of fun. There was a spot just for the birch trees. If you press, you can hear some of the animal’s sounds. Some even told a story about the animal in question.The Netherlands has a lot more crazy things to do besides this place. This is the second home of Vincent Van Gogh. It’s the Kröller-Müller Museum, which is also in the Hoge Veluwe National Park. You can also check out a sex museum, a marijuana museum, a hemp museum, or a torture museum. You will be amazed at how many museums this great country has.

The Lovely Kinderdijk Windmills
The classic Kinderdijk windmills are spread out over 800 acres. They have been used for more than 700 years and make the area feel like it’s from the past. This is definitely one of the many one-of-a-kind things you can do in the Netherlands. We walked around the area and tried to see as many of these amazing works of art as we could. We were able to handle the weather, but the cold wind kept biting at us. You should go here to get a better look at the beautiful Netherlands.

Kinderdijk windmills
Culture in the Netherlands
The Netherlands was a great place to visit. We went to a lot of museums, hiked through the Hoge Veluwe National Park, and saw the smart shops, coffee shops, red light area, and historic Kinderdijk windmills. There are some unique things I did in the Netherlands that helped me understand the country better. About this, we asked our friends, and they told us that in the Netherlands, pretty much anything is allowed. Sure, people can sell themselves as long as they pay their taxes afterwards. People there think of it as a normal job.
The famous stops that almost every tourist thinks they must make to have a truly Dutch experience are the coffee shops that are spread out all over the country. For some reason, the smoke in these places may make the inside look cloudy. Even though they’re called “Coffee Shops,” these places don’t serve coffee. They only have pot for sale.

Everything new in my mind was taken in. I could feel my mind getting bigger as I learned. I think that moving can help you understand how different other cultures are. The people who live here have grown up with it, so they think of it as normal. You should try to remember to respect other cultures when you go to other places. In spite of the fact that you may not agree with it.
About the Author:
I’ve always liked going on trips, even when I was a little kid. Because I was interested, I would go on adventures when we went to visit my family in the US. Being different has helped me stay true to what I love. So, I travel to learn more about different countries around the world. Many people get the urge to travel from the way I write. That’s my goal! I currently live in Sweden and have for more than five years. Find out more about me here!

Dani (Misfit Wanders)
Start your Traveling
Do you want to get ready for your next trip? Then read my article Travel about what you need to bring with you when you go to another country. I also have a few more pieces on that page that are about specific places. So, reading this will help you choose where to go on your next trip!

On a hike to Fjällstation (bottom of Kebnekaise)
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