As the virus spreads from country to country, many people are being told to start staying away from other people. In some countries, social distance is required, and in others, it is strongly suggested that people do it. This piece will talk about why hiking is a great way to get away from people during these tough times. You may really want to go on another trip, but not everyone can. In spite of that, being outside helps me stay sane. You can make your own adventure by going for a hike in your own area or somewhere else close by.
Take the Less Traveled Trails
Even though everyone has to deal with this mess, many of us can still go outside and enjoy nature. If you want to avoid people and work on social distance, it’s best to go to tracks that not many people use. There won’t be many other people on the trail while you walk it. So, camping is a great way to get away from people. Getting out into nature can help you feel less anxious and stressed. One of my favorite things about hiking is that! Spend some time in the woods or near a lake and enjoy the fresh air.
“Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet!” ~ Stephen Hawking

Fladen Trail
Keep your Distance
Also, remember to stay about 6 feet away from anyone else who is in your way if you see them. They might make you wait near a tree or off the road. But this is important and worth it. Do not forget about your health or the health of others. A lot of people have had the virus without showing any signs. To be s
Social distance is something you should do everywhere, not just in nature. Do not bump into other people as you walk down the grocery store aisles or wait in line at the bank. A lot of people are in their own lockdown and don’t want to be around other people. We are all affected by these times, and everything we do counts. That’s why lockdowns are required in so many places.

Hiking is Perfect for Social Distancing
People stay away from each other when they are out in nature, which is why camping is great for social distance. Especially if there are only a few of you on the trail. People on the trail won’t get too close to you for them to breathe down your neck. That would be really creepy! Each walker goes at their own pace on the trails outside.
For that reason, it has made sense to let each other walk alone. Think about your friend or family member when you’re with them. They need their own room too. You don’t have to be as strict as you would be with a stranger, but they still need you to practice social distance with them.

Don’t Share!
I’m sure you learned how to share when you were young. As long as the virus is still going around, you must NOT share your things with anyone else. Remember not to share water bottles! That’s a simple way to get the virus, even if you don’t think you have it. Make sure you have everything you need for a walk. Of course you need a water bottle is needed for sure, maybe a daypack, rain jacket, first aid kit, and a snack.
Safety Etiquette
Don’t forget to bring a first aid kit with you. Even if you’re just going for a short walk, it’s best to be ready for anything because hospitals are full of sick people. Take a walk with a friend or family member if you can. That way, if something terrible happens, you can help each other. You need a water bottle when you go into the woods or on a trail, especially if you want to go on a hike that lasts an hour or more. Because each country is handling this chaos in its own way, you need to keep track of what you’re doing. Hiking is a great way to get away from people and take care of yourself while also helping other people.

“While there’s life, there is hope!” ~ Stephen Hawking
Nature’s Health Benefits
As I already said, being outside can help you deal with stress and worry. Hiking is a great way to get away from people and is also good for your health. A great way to get away from the plague that is sweeping the world is to walk along a trail. Vitamin D is needed by our bodies and can be found in sunlight. This vitamin sets off our mood and makes us feel good. Plus, it makes your immune system stronger. Along with vitamin D, the plants and trees around us give off air that is good for our health.
Going hiking is a great way to get away from people, but remember to value the animals and nature. When you want to avoid someone on your walk, watch where you stand so you don’t hit a small animal. Take advantage of every moment you spend outside. Not everyone is lucky enough to be able to go outside right now.
Walk Safely in a City
You might not be able to go on a hike outside if you’re not as lucky. Do something good! Take a walk in your area or across the street. This is the exact time when you need to learn social distance. Even though some streets are small, if you see someone else walking on the same tiny path, check the street and see if you can walk in it. You could also take a nearby road to change your plan. Simple as that! Before you have to be alone again, enjoy the fresh air while you walk down this path. Don’t worry, though; tomorrow is always there. This will end, so don’t lose hope!
If you want to see some nice hikes within Sweden, check out Hiking in Varmland. Most of these trails are less traveled. Or check out Hiking in Stockholm if you’re stuck in the city. There are hikes really near the city life.
If you’re not sure where to begin with hiking in Sweden or the rules to follow, check out Hiking in Sweden. There, I break it down and explain the dos and don’ts while wandering in the nature.
Learn more about the virus at: WHO (World Health Organization)

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