The animal with fur let out a snort as I petted his head. He looked strong because his antlers were big. It’s just one of the many interesting things you can do in Sweden. In a house full of art, there is a ball, or you can go on a hike through the past and see overgrown mines. The high coast even has one of the longest bridges in Europe that hangs from the trees.
My husband and I went to Mormors Glasscafe one sunny day for some tasty ice cream. The beautiful view made the ice cream melt faster, which made it taste even better. If you go to Sweden at that time, you can see a market that is more than 400 years old. One of the biggest parties in Sweden takes place in the summer. People enjoy midsummer with flowers and maypoles at that time. A lot of people party, and it can go on for days. Still, it’s a lot of fun, and you can enjoy some truly Swedish adventures!
1. Högbergsfältet- Nature Reserve
You can go on a hike into a different world by going through overgrown mines that have been abandoned. The open mine, which was once used to get the ore out of the ground, is full of lush plants. Lake Yngen, which runs along many of the trails in this nature area, is clean and beautiful. There are great spots to have a picnic or even a grill. If you want to learn more about Högbergsfältet, check out my article off the beaten path in Sweden. I took a second look as I saw Tilas Stoll mine for the first time! It’s an epic place to visit. Check it out here!

2. Tjoloholm- Epic Castle Near Gothenburg
It felt like the wind was against us when it picked up. That being said, when we got closer to the castle, I was amazed. The building is very tall and has a huge, well-kept yard that is used for gardening in parts. The beautiful castle in Sweden next to a clear blue lake is a great place to do something different. There are more grounds behind the castle, and they are all well taken care of. You can learn more about this wonderful place at Tjoloholm’s website. They have tours through the castle, but you need to pre-book.
3. High Coast Bridge
The Veda bridge is another name for the high coast bridge. This bridge is the fourth longest in Europe, and it hangs in the air! As you drive over it or look at it from afar, it looks great. Some of the most interesting things you can do in Sweden are see this and drive on one of the longest suspension bridges. The High Coast trail is another long trail that has great views of nature. Check out High Coast Bridge and find out more about this.

4. Have Unique Experiences in Sweden at the Jokkmokk Market
There is a glow in northern Sweden because of the snow. Right now is the time to do some really cool things in Sweden! The Jokkmokk Market has been around for more than 400 years! There are reindeer and lots of different kinds of shops on this street. A lot of people from all over the world come here, and you can hear their languages as you walk by the market stands. The area is full of life, and this is where Sami people gather.
This has been going on for a long time, so it takes you back in time and helps you understand the culture of this place better. This market starts every year on a Thursday in February and goes on for days. It can get very cold in northern Sweden, so make sure you have a lot of clothes on.Putting on underlayers will help keep the heat in, and a thick, waterproof jacket will keep you warm. You can learn more about it here!
5. Mormor’s Glasscafe
The sun is very hot, and a nice breeze comes up to cool things down. Happy voices can be heard in the wind, and a group of dogs hang out next to their owners with their tongues hanging out. On the edge of a small cliff, tables are spread out on the grass. There are wooden steps going down from the blue, see-through Lake Fryken below. Mormor’s Glasscafé is a friendly spot with lovely views of nature. Come with your family and friends to enjoy the delicious ice cream treats. There is even a kind just for dogs! There is a playground for kids and a nice beach by the lake.
Check out Mormor’s Glasscafe. One of my favorite places to go is this one! It’s a wonderful spot to party! My husband and I celebrated our sixth wedding anniversary here not long ago. Yay, ice cream for dinner! I could never come here more than a few times a year. When it comes to their sweets, I can’t stop them! Take a look at this Mormor’s Glasscafé in Lysvik, Sweden.

6. Värmland Moose Park
The forest king walks up to the part of the fence that isn’t closed off. On his head, brown horns with fur stood tall. She is far away, and two smaller moose are following her. She is the queen of the land. With her nose, she took in the smell, and her ears turned all around to hear everything. I watched the queen’s nose scrunch up as I fed her pellets, and I could feel slime on my hand. There are big brown eyes that look at me and wait for me to give her more pellets.
You can learn about moose from an expert at this great park while also getting to pet and feed the big animals. These are one-of-a-kind things that you can do in Sweden! I really liked it so much that I came back a few times and learned even more each time. One time, I was lucky enough to see a baby that was only a few weeks old. That little kid was two years old when I went back. He or she is now very big but still growing! You can get something nice to remember the place at their gift shop. Learn more about this Moose Park here.
7. Celebrate Midsommar with the Locals
A lot of happy laughs filled the air as people danced around the maypole. While a band played a tune, girls played around with flower crowns on their heads. Some people who danced with a partner wore traditional Swedish clothes. I didn’t know about this holiday until my Swedish husband took me here on my first trip to France.

There were no other experiences like the one I had at this party in Sweden. We were so tired from dancing around a maypole that we barely got any sleep. There was party after party, and the sun only went down for a few hours. I thought that was crazy on its own! It’s hard not to smile when you’re around these people. People who want to learn about Swedish culture and traditions should go during Midsommar, which takes place at the end of June. Check out and learn more about this holiday!

It’s important to note that Midsommar is NOT how things are in Sweden. That movie was funny. My friend and I joked that it was me because my name is Dani and it was about my life in Sweden. The theme of this party is nature coming to life. There are flowers growing, and everyone gets together.

Adventures in Sweden
Unique experiences in Sweden are in abundance. There are all kinds of adventures you can have in the beautiful outdoors. Take to the lakes and go canoeing or find some of the great hiking trails scattered throughout the country. There are islands you can go to and have some great adventures! Check out Adventures in Sweden to learn more.