Hiking to the Fjällstation, then Kebnekaise
The “oh so famous” Fjällräven Scandinavian backpack can be found in many different parts of the world. When the business first introduced the iconic Kånken rucksack, they completely revolutionized the industry. This item, out of all of the outdoor clothing and equipment that they sell, is by far the most popular among their customers. It won’t take you long to recognize these bags when you see them carried by other tourists in foreign countries. Keep an eye out for the Fjällräven logo, which features a red fox and can be found on their items. Because the manufacturer is based in Sweden, I initially assumed that everyone carrying one of these bags was a native of that country. I was surprised to learn that they are so widely used.
In regards to that, I came across a woman who was wearing one. I was thrilled, thinking this meant that I would have the opportunity to practice my Swedish while I was traveling in another country. However, as I started speaking Swedish with the female, she immediately began staring at me as if I had some screws loose. What a mess! Since then, as I travel to a variety of different places, I’ve seen people carrying those bags everywhere they go. Now, I’m aware that the popularity of these bags is not confined to simply Sweden but rather spans the globe.
Check out Outdoor Gear in Sweden.
On my website, you’ll find a brand-new shop that I’ve stocked with awesome equipment and apparel for outdoor activities. You can check them here . These are some things that will be fun for you to have whether you enjoy traveling or just going on adventures in nature.
Check out Misfit Wanders Shop! (It’s being worked on at the moment)

Photo by Mitchell Orr on Unsplash
1. Fjällräven
Åke Nordin, who was dissatisfied with the way that Scandinavian backpacks were manufactured in the 1950s, is credited with being the founder of Fjällräven. After doing extensive research into the process of making a backpack, he decided to create his own instead. His design was not only well received by his friends and family, but it also gained recognition among the Sami people, who are indigenous to Sweden. Everyone yearned for a backpack that was not only lightweight but also durable. Not only that, they wanted to be able to carry it with them while hiking or going on other outdoor experiences.
As time went on, it led to the creation of outdoor clothing that can survive the weather in Sweden as well as a wide array of different types of backpacks. The name “Fjällräven” comes from the Swedish phrase “The Artic Fox,” which adds to the notion that the products are durable and able to withstand the harsh elements, much like the Arctic fox.
Fjällräven Kånken Rucksack
This is the ever-so-popular rucksack or backpack that’s popular in Scandinavia. The verb “to lug” or “to carry” is translated as “kanka” in Swedish. In the beginning, this bag was developed as a response to all of the complaints that youngsters in Sweden were having in regards to conventional school backpacks. Because of the way these backpacks were being carried, they were beginning to experience back pain. As a result, Fjällräven made the decision in 1978 to create a lightweight rectangular backpack that would assist them in resolving their issue. Its popularity skyrocketed in a short amount of time.
Despite its diminutive size, the backpack offers a considerable amount of storage space and is built to last. There are over 54 distinct hues and patterns to choose from when purchasing one of these. You can wear the Scandinavian backpack the same way you would wear any other backpack, or you can carry it by using the handles that are on the top of the backpack. Since it has low weight and compact dimensions, it’s an excellent choice for usage in day-to-day life. Many people have utilized it when commuting to and from places such as work, school, while traveling or trekking.
On top of that, it dries quickly and is resistant to water, making it great for all kinds of weather. This makes it a good backpack for use when going on adventures in the great outdoors because it’s fairly resistant to mud and water as well. Put it to use whether you’re out camping, trekking, or on any other outdoor activity! This compact Scandinavian backpack also comes with a seat cushion that can be stowed away inside the bag itself.
Check out the Fjällräven Kånken backpack now!
You can learn more about Fjällräven and other great outdoor products here!
2. Sandqvist
This is yet another excellent Scandinavian rucksack that upholds Swedish cultural norms and principles. This company was established in 2004 by three Swedes who have known each other since they were kids, and each of their items contains elements that Swedes appreciate. They’re long-lasting, in addition to having excellent designs and a sustainable and responsible attitude toward the environment. They can be made available in a variety of colors, have an elegant appearance, and still be able to withstand the effects of water. Which is ideal for people who enjoy spending time outside.
Backpacks from Sandqvist
There’s a wide variety of styles of backpacks available to choose from, and your selection may also be influenced by the purpose for which you will be using the bag. There are some of them that are watertight, and others that are water resistant. When Sandqvist designs a backpack, they keep the surrounding natural landscape in mind. They maintain the backpacks’ functionality while also giving them a fashionable appearance as well. Something that I enjoy is that the majority of the bags are constructed with nylon that has been recycled and are designed to survive for many years.
In the beginning, the purpose of these bags was to provide a suitable working bag or computer bag. The fact that these bags are made with a great deal of consideration for the natural world contributes to their reputation as being “oh so Swedish.” It’s gaining popularity in London at the same time that it’s gaining popularity in Sweden.
Then, they alose have purses, which are ideal for day-to-day use and for city living in general.
Check out Sandqvist!
Water resistant means it can handle becoming soaked by water up to some degree, but not entirely. While waterproof, it can keep dry as long as the product is in good quality.
3. Haglöfs and its Backpacks
Since it’s constructed to withstand the harsh conditions that are common in Sweden, this sturdy outdoor backpack from Scandinavia makes any excursion much more enjoyable. In 1916, this was first presented to the general public by Wiktor Haglöf. His view on what a backpack should be like is that it should be able to withstand the test of time and still look rather good after a century has passed.
The company was working on developing more contemporary backpacks, and because they wanted the product to be made entirely in Sweden. Through the years, the company has provided assistance to several sectors, including the armed forces, the healthcare sector, and the forestry industry. The person who came up with the idea believed that if you wanted anything worthwhile, you had to work hard to make it for yourself. Because of this, he was inspired to design such a fantastic bag for use in Scandinavian countries.
Check it out here!
Trip to Cambodia!
When I went on a trip with my niece, this bag was the one that was most comfortable for her to carry. We only brought our bags with us on our trip through Cambodia and Thailand, which served us well. Even though it was medium sized bag, she was surprised at how much she could fit inside of it.
During our journey through the streets of Cambodia, the weather was not on our side. But that was irrelevant with regard to our baggage. Since we had waterproof rain flies on our backpacks, nothing got wet and everything remained in excellent condition. I was completely drenched because the rain jacket I was wearing was rather worn out, and neither of us had even considered bringing along any waterproof pants. Oh well, you only have one life, learn by doing!
4. 66° North
The Icelandic fishing community served as the inspiration behind the founding of this company. They required improved clothing and equipment that could shield them from the elements and the damp nature of the work. If they were wearing garments of inferior quality, then it could literally be a question of life and death for them. Hans Kristjánsson was the one who initially established this business back in 1926. He uprooted his life and traveled to Norway in order to pursue his dream of becoming a fisherman’s tailor. These days, the goods are made out of a synthetic material, which makes them more resistant to the severe climatic conditions. This company sells Scandinavian backpacks of the highest quality, which are capable of withstanding the storms and other elements that an Icelandic fisherman would be required to face.
The name of the company, 66° North, comes from the latitude line of the Arctic Circle that passes through Sgandafjorur, which is the location where the business was initially established. Since the year 1928, 66° North has been providing the Icelandic search and rescue squad with protective clothes. They even received a prize for the outdoor gear they produced out of oil-borne canvas which won them praise.
Backpacks from 66° North
They have a wide selection of different types of backpacks, ranging from outdoor backpacks that are waterproof to sports bags. You may even find ones that are designed to look more like purses. They are long-lasting and have a high capacity for stress, which makes them an excellent financial investment.
See more 66° North products!
5. Helly Hansen
Linseed oil was crucial in the development of long-lasting products, a process that was pioneered in 1877 in Norway by a sea captain named Helly Hansen. It was intolerable to be on the ship when severe weather struck and the temperature dropped below freezing. As a result, he started making outdoor clothing and equipment for other sailors that was of a higher quality. As word spread, this was beneficial to a great number of people. It is well-known among people who sail and ski as being an excellent brand for such activities.

Photo by Max Poschau on Unsplash
Helly Hansen Backpacks
The brand has come out with breathable backpacks, which are becoming increasingly popular among athletes, hikers, and pretty much everyone else who appreciates spending time outside. Vanir, made by Helly Hansen, is the brand’s most well-known Scandinavian backpack due to its space-saving and multipurpose features.
See more Helly Hansen Backpacks!
Choose the Right Backpack for You!
In my own experience, I’ve tried something from each of these brands, and I’ve been pleased with each and every one of them. Each one is unique from the others thanks to the wonderful characteristics and characteristics that are uniquely theirs. It is important to keep in mind what you plan to carry inside your Scandinavian backpack while you are shopping for one. That will make it much simpler for you to select the brand that carries the type of backpack that is suitable for you.
Because I participate in such a diverse array of activities, I have a collection of different backpacks. I’m carrying around my enormous backpack, which is technically called an Osprey. It has continued for at least five years for me, and possibly even more by this point. When I am away from home, I make use of this. I find that traveling with nothing but my backpack makes it much simpler for me to move around in a foreign area. Then, I have a backpack that I use for day-to-day activities, and that one is also an Osprey. This one has been in my possession for the same amount of time as the previous one, and it is a little backpack that can be attached to a larger luggage. Because I already owned these prior to moving to Sweden, I haven’t felt the need to get new ones just yet.
When I go hiking, I like to have a compact and lightweight Osprey backpack with me. Since my niece owns a Fjallraven Kanken, and I had the opportunity to try it out, I’ve been thinking of making the purchase of one for myself. In addition to that, I have never heard anything but positive things about it, so I don’t see why not.
Hiking Gadgets
Find out more about some fantastic equipment that you may utilize on your upcoming outdoor excursion or walk by reading this article. This is a list of products that I suggest to others because I currently use them or have previously used them. I have prepared a few articles about some of the most reputable brands as well as which things are most useful to have at one’s disposal depending on the lovely time of year in Sweden. The abundance of nature in Sweden provides those who enjoy being outside with a wide variety of activities to choose from. However, this does not mean that the weather will always be on your side. Therefore, the best course of action is to plan for the unexpected. Check out our selection of Hiking Gadgets!
Adentures in Sweden
Since you’re looking for this kind of gear, you may want an adventure! Break in your new gadgets with some of the fun adventures in Sweden! There are tons of activities year round from meeting moose to winter markets! There are even hikes, kayaking, and many other fun things.

Camping at the Fjällstation (bottom of Kebnekaise)
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