You’ve found the best place to find cool camping gear! Everything I have on this page is stuff I’ve used myself. I will only suggest things that I have personally used. For about five years now, my life has been full of changes. I was born in the USA, but Sweden is where I live now. I’ve needed gear that is strong enough to last for a long time. It has to be strong enough to handle the fact that I’m rough with my stuff. I take my backpack with me everywhere I go, and I need a rain jacket for all kinds of weather. That’s something that has helped me many times. You also need to make sure you have a rain cover for your backpack. I’m going to talk about some of the good and bad things about things I’ve used while camping, hiking, and traveling around different places.
Misfit Wanders Shop
I have my own shop on here, where I offer great hiking gadgets and other gear for traveling. There’s even items that you can use in your daily life. You can check them out here. I have written an article that breaks down some of the items as well. Check out The Best Gadgets: Misfit Wanders Gear.

Top 5 Brands of Sweden
Or learn more about the Top 5 Brands in Sweden! In this article, you get to learn about how each business began and the reasons why they began creating. Find out more here!
Outdoor Gear By Season
You can check out Outdoor gear you might need depending on the season. Look at this article that’s about just that! Click here! There’s even an article that’s dedicated to winter gear. Check it out here.
Best Hiking Gadgets to Use
I break down some of the best gear that I have used while traveling and going on outdoor adventures. These items I recommend since I have experience with them. I hope these help you on your next journey into the wilderness!

Women’s Marmot Rain Jacket
We love our Marmot rain jackets, which we’ve had for five years and still look great. They don’t take up much room in a backpack because they’re simple and light. Not long ago, we learned that this rain jacket can’t be cleaned with hot water because it got hydraulic oil on it. He’s tried to be a handyman but it the wrong clothes… It looks a little rough on mine too, but not too bad. As a safety measure, it’s best to bring a rain jacket on a trip to a place where the weather can change quickly. This is a cool camping tool that you should have because it truly is useful! Because I haven’t had any bad situations with my jacket, I’d say go for it! The weather changes quickly in Sweden, so it’s a good idea to bring this with you when you go camping.
- Lightweight
- Durable
- Easy to pack
- Keeps warmth in
Click here to check it out!

Sundbergsleden trail
Osprey Daypack One of the Best Hiking Gadgets
This brand is really great! This has come in handy for a few walks I’ve done in Scandinavia. This name makes great hiking gear that lasts a long time. I have two different backpacks. One is 24L and I use it when I go on longer hikes and travel to other countries. Then I have my daypack, which I only use for short walks and every day life in Sweden.
The only bad thing about these is that the daypack I have doesn’t have a strap on the side to hold the water bottles in place, but that could be because it’s an older model. I lose water bottles because of this. This also holds true for my bigger, older backpack. I had to get new water bottles because of that one drink. I’ve had both of these bags for four to seven years, and they’re barely worn in. Though, my strange dog did decide to chew on my daypack for a little while. Still, I think my Osprey bags are some of the coolest hiking gear I own.
- Lightweight
- Durable
- Different sizes
- Everyday use/Long trips
Learn more here!

Best Scandinavian Backpacks
If you’re not sure what kind of bag would work best for you, then check out Scandinavian backpacks. I talk about the best brands that have been regarded as great quality and durability. Check it out here! It’s helpful to have something to hold all your cool hiking gadgets while you hike.

Photo by Mitchell Orr on Unsplash
Multi-Use Headband, Several Hiking Gadgets in One
I have mine around my neck as I write this. One cool camping tool that has helped me in all sorts of weather is this one. It can be worn around your neck or over your ears when it’s windy. Use it to cool off when it’s really hot outside. You can also use it to cover your neck or ears more. You can even cover your mouth and nose with it if it gets really bad outside. I use this scarf/headband all the time, like when I plow snow and when I go on walks of any kind. This should have more than one use.
- Use in any type of weather
- Keeps you warm
- Uses: Headband/scarf/ ear cover/ face mask
- Different styles
Check it out here!
Beyond Beanie Hats
Have you ever wanted to get something that helps others? Well, Beyond Beanie has locally made hats from Bolivia. Each hat is signed by the woman who created it. One hat gives 5 meals to a kid in need in Bolivia. Plus, it gives jobs to women who create the hats. These are some great pros for getting this hiking gadget. They have other items but I have just tried the spring and winter hats oh and some of the bracelets too. If you plan on traveling to Bolivia, you can tell them and meet the lady that made your hat or even learn how to do it yourself. Pretty sweet, huh!? You can check out Beyond Beanie and see what other things they have to offer. Each item they have gives back in some way. Check it out!
Use the 25% off code: JAMES77
- Winter hat/Summer hat
- Locally made in Bolivia
- Buying one gives 5 meals to a Bolivian kid
- Creates jobs for women
- Goes to a good cause
Never Hike without a Water Bottle
I have to bring a water bottle with me every time I go camping. Getting your thirst quenched is very important on longer hikes. I always lose my water bottles, so I buy two at a time, as you know. At first, I gave my husband one because I wanted to be nice to him. Then I’d lose mine and have to get back the one I gave him… He doesn’t do anything about it. He knows how I feel! I’ve tried Contigo a lot of times and the metal bottles are my favorite.
No matter how many times you drop them, they will still work. Also, metal bottles are better than plastic ones because they don’t have the problems that come with being made of plastic. These water bottles are some of the coolest things you can bring with you on hikes. Contigo are pretty cheap and come in a range of sizes. They are made so that they won’t leak and don’t contain any BPA. They are trying to be eco-friendly, which is good for us and the earth.
- Durable
- Different sizes
- Stainless steel
Click for more info!

Hiking Boots are a Hiking Gadget MUST!
I thought I’d be fine with these $20 shoes when I went to Peru on my first trip abroad by myself. I walked them to their deaths, though. The heat made my shoes melt as I walked through Colca Canyon. In a word! I thought it was crazy, and my feet were not happy at all. So it is a MUST that you bring good, long-lasting shoes with you when you walk. It was Salomons that I bought my first good mountain shoes. I had pain in parts of my feet I didn’t know were there. When I wore them for a few days, my feet got used to them, and it felt like dancing on clouds. I walked faster and didn’t know it until my mom yelled, “Slow down!” My aches were caused by not having the right shoes on. They weren’t used to being worked out, then. As your cool camping gear for your next trip, I really think you should bring some reliable shoes.

Dani hiking in Kil, Sweden with Salomon running shoes
Keen Winter Boots
I will now pay more for shoes and boots that are comfortable and last a long time. Not long ago, I had Keen Hoodoo III. These boots have been great for the winter. But mine have now retired. After 5 years, they aren’t as waterproof as they used to be. Also, the inside of the heels started to hurt my knees. When they were there, they were great. Even when it’s -35F outside, they’ll be warm. The only bad thing about them is that the sides have zippers, which is likely why mine are leaking. They are perfect for people who like to play in the snow, though.
- Ankle protection
- Keeps warmth inside
- Waterproof
- Durable
- Good traction
- Handles -35F Below
Learn more here!

Dani James (me) winter hike in Värmland county
Oboz Hiking Boots
These are my everyday boots right now. I take them hiking and everywhere else. They’re soft and last a long time. Mine hasn’t given me any trouble in 4 years. I wasn’t sure about the color at first, but now I love them! They stand out just enough with the bright red. They don’t look too bulky and fit your feet well, so you can wear them with shorts or pants. The feet are well supported, but they don’t cover the whole foot. It sticks pretty well to rocks and other surfaces you might find while wandering. A great tool to have when hiking.
- Waterproof
- Durable
- Good traction
- Good support
I love these boots! Check them out here!

Dani in Bosnia with her hiking boots
Spork for Mealtime is a great Hiking Gadget
I was wary of sporks at first because I thought they were strange. After trying it, I never leave home without mine. To take this cool hiking tool with me when I go, I keep it in my backpack. It also doesn’t contain BPA. You can use it for almost any kind of food since it’s a spork. That’s likely why I enjoy it so much. The bad thing is that it can break in your bag. That has happened to me a few times. So, getting the pack is helpful. If this last one doesn’t work for me, I’ll get the metal spork version instead.
- Multi-use
- 12-pack
- BPA free
- Packs easily
Learn more about it at Amazon.

Backpack to Carry your Furry Pal
The dog I have is getting old. He used to be able to go on walks, but now he can’t. It’s okay for him to ride on my back or my husband’s back now that he’s 14 years old. On the walks, we take turns, and our dog sometimes sleeps on our backs. It looks like he’s okay with it. It was hard to find a backpack that fit our Australian cattle dog.
We did find one that works, though. It fits him pretty well, but we can’t zip it all the way up on his back. Still, it does the job! The dog’s back legs fit inside, just like a bag. It’s like they’re sitting inside the bag. The dog can look forward while its front paws rest on the carrier’s shoulders or inside. It works really well if your dog is smaller than ours. The packs come in sizes between medium and small. This turned out to be one of the best hiking tools I own!
- Durable
- Sides let air get in
- Zips from the back
- Has side pockets and back pocket
Hiking with Insurance
Since it’s impossible to know what will happen, it’s smart to be ready for the unexpected when exploring. Even more so if you go hiking in a different country. Soon, the coronavirus will spread all over the world. When you go climbing, you must bring travel insurance. Get Travel insurance that will cover you while you hike in new natural areas. Having that in your pocket will make you feel better if something goes wrong while you’re hiking. Please read my page to find out more about travel insurance. You can find out more about the company WorldNomads there. I use them every time I travel to other places. The prices are pretty low, so it won’t break the bank. That is always a good thing!

Glaskogen Nature Reserve
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If you want to find other information on hikes, check out Top 100 Hiking Blogs.
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